Skills Coaching
In a rapidly changing world, everyone is regularly confronted with various professional challenges for which specific skills are required. We develop these skills using an individual programme.
We impart knowledge and convert it into practical exercises, where the coach can try out the skills in a controlled and safe setting before putting them into real practice. We refine skills that are already present through individual coaching using a personal development plan.
Professional skills where Gear provides individual coaching support include the following.
Commercial skills
To optimise the chances of commercial success, we propose a number of qualitative and quantitative goals at every stage of the sales process. We then convert these goals into concrete actions (from lead generation to needs assessment, argumentation and negotiation, through to data management and qualitative monitoring). In a world in which the role of salesperson is increasingly evolving into that of customer advisor and confidant, these commercial skills are crucial in both sales and service environments.
Customer-oriented communication
Customer experience is increasingly placed at the heart of the day-to-day operations of organisations. It is therefore essential that customers experience this same proactivity and personal attention in every contact they have with your company. This requires your employees to have a specific set of skills to interact with your customers through so many different channels (spoken, written, via social media, etc.).
In times of rapid and frequent change, employees need strong leaders. But these leaders too are themselves occasionally somewhat confused and uncertain. Through individual coaching, we guide new or more experienced leaders through topics such as conveying tough news, conducting (in)formal feedback meetings and guiding people through change, etc. as well as subjects such as strategic management, management for results using KPIs and management by objectives, etc.
Coaching of employees
Human talent is a scarce commodity in our labour market. A situation in which the ideal employee with the right experience remains loyal to the same employer for years is becoming increasingly rare. It is therefore important to recognise existing potential among employees and to develop this further through intensive and personal coaching to suit the future needs of both the organisation and the individual. This requires a specific set of skills which we (further) develop through an individual programme.
Meeting techniques
Not every organisation has an effective and a well-conceived policy on meetings. Too much or too little consultation, too lengthy or too brief, too many or too few participants, ineffectual participants, too many items on the agenda or none at all, etc. Very often meetings are a time-consuming and therefore also a particularly expensive activity. It therefore pays to work on this skill, as an organiser of meetings or as a participant.
Presentation techniques
Strong presentation skills are an important professional asset. And it is not just about using the right media properly but more specifically about the following question: What is my message, and how can I convey this to my audience with maximum impact? An individual coaching programme can be organised that looks at how to conceive and shape, as well as give a presentation.
Gear has a team of specialist and experienced coaches who specifically upgrade these, and many other targeted skills. We would be happy to discuss this with you personally!